Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Year High!

So our school year officially started on June 15, 2011 at around 7:30 in the morning.
You know that feeling, when you see your class list a few days before school starts, and you go like "What?! None of my friends are even here!" Yeah we could say that's how most of us felt.
But in any case, I know we all feel excited for the first day at some point.
So to start of the day, I guess only the freshmen and Student Council Core had classes that day, so we were given an orientation by the Student Council 10-11 and some teachers at the Sister Kuniberta Hall.
We were shown a video presentation made by the SC Core about the activities or duties of the SC. Apparently, every batch elects a batch representative every school year, and we would have to elect ours soon.

After that, the teachers oriented us on the different subjects we'd take up... Then she mentioned math would be everyday for an hour each day.
You're kidding, right?
Sadly, they were serious. 

But anyway. Later that afternoon they gave us our new planners and gave us a tour of the High School Department! We were toured by ate Ciara Morales (their 4th year batch rep) and ate Mary Baylosis (Who turned out to be the batch valedictorian!) 
Sorry to say but we were expecting the tour to be boring,
they proved us wrong. The ates kept us all ears, they were funny and we had a good time going around the school with them. 
In the end our ates told us to keep our heads up since our Homeroom classroom (The GSR) is haunted. 

But anyway, so I guess that's it for our first day :)

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