Wednesday, April 27, 2011


       One of the highlights of the first quarter for us freshmen was the talk on Animism. 
Weeks before the panel discussion we were given loads of activities and work to do in relation to the up coming panel discussion, not to mention by our Comm. Arts class.
The videoed interview, the treasure box, the stories, it's at times like these where you'd want to go all
and just focus on tumblr or facebook or maybe even just twitter. But nooo, it's for our grades.

Ok that just sounded spoiled don't mind that last bit. :))

But now that it's all over, and we're looking back at it, it kind of makes us think again, this was probably our first time to do a project together that could possibly make us fail if we don't do it properly (not to mention the treasure box, with the scroll and story) so the pressure kind of gets to you. Then again, it let us get to know some of our classmates more, especially the transfer-ees. (Most of the people in R are from different schools.)
So maybe Animism wasn't so bad after all.

In all honesty, I kind of missed Animism.

...especially since the projects in the following quarters weren't really as easy. 

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