Wednesday, April 27, 2011


       One of the highlights of the first quarter for us freshmen was the talk on Animism. 
Weeks before the panel discussion we were given loads of activities and work to do in relation to the up coming panel discussion, not to mention by our Comm. Arts class.
The videoed interview, the treasure box, the stories, it's at times like these where you'd want to go all
and just focus on tumblr or facebook or maybe even just twitter. But nooo, it's for our grades.

Ok that just sounded spoiled don't mind that last bit. :))

But now that it's all over, and we're looking back at it, it kind of makes us think again, this was probably our first time to do a project together that could possibly make us fail if we don't do it properly (not to mention the treasure box, with the scroll and story) so the pressure kind of gets to you. Then again, it let us get to know some of our classmates more, especially the transfer-ees. (Most of the people in R are from different schools.)
So maybe Animism wasn't so bad after all.

In all honesty, I kind of missed Animism.

...especially since the projects in the following quarters weren't really as easy. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Second Half! :)

Same legends as the one in the first half :)

21. DAYANA MACAPAGAL - One of our resident singers and fashionistas, a true friend and a hardworking student.

22. ISHA MATEO - One of 1R's great artists, very bubbly and is easy to open up to, she gets her work done and can make you smile at the corniest jokes.

23. CAMILLE MUECO - Again, one of our many artists in the class and great writers, she can get you out of the stickiest situations and her clever mind could solve the hardest of puzzles.

24. STEPH NOBLE - And again one of the many people in 1R who's gifted in art. Stef's the 2nd youngest in our class, but she easily gets the hang of things and is a great person to talk to.

25. PAT ONG - This great debater and public speaker will leave you wide eyed and jaw dropped, she takes her studies seriously and is in to politics, but once you really get to know her, she's one of the funniest people you could talk to

26. DEN PALAFOX - A "mom" to some people in R, a true friend to many. Den can make your most boring days turn down right fun. She's one of the friendliest people in our batch.

27. PAULINA PELONIO - Our class secretary and one of the people who makes us laugh non stop. She can be very open, and in return you could trust her with your deepest secrets, she wouldn't tell a single soul. One of the people who would walk in to your life when the rest walk out.

28. AYA PEREZ - A great dancer, a great singer, she's good in sports and excels in academics, a true friend. You could say that Aya is all- in - one. She's Aya, enough said.

29. ISABELA PROTACIO - A math wiz and a certified dog lover. Isa's one of the sweetest people you would ever come across with.

30. GRACE RESTAR - One of the most creative people in 1Respect, and one of the sweetest as well. You can depend on her and when she says she'll do it, she'll do it.

31. JEM ROSALES - Jem's all smiles, she can even make the strictest of teachers smile. She lightens the mood whenever we're nervous about something, especially during our speech choir rehearsals. She's someone you'll always remember.

32. SCHEKAI SANTUELE - Known in 1R for whipping her hair...Like a boss. One of our fashionistas and multi talented classmates. She sticks to what she believes is right and is always there to help you out.

33. DANA SERRANO - Dana, a certified Harry Potter fanatic. She may be quiet but when she reaaaaally gets into a conversation, you just don't wanna stop talking to her. Really humble and a talented singer.

34. PATTY SORIENTE - Patty's one of the quietest in our class. But don't underestimate her, she's probably one of the smartest in our class as well. When she's with her friends she really knows how to have fun. Patty is kind and friendly to everyone.

35. NICOLE TAGUN - Another one of our fashionistas in the class. Nicole's capable of so many things, she gives her best in everything she does. She's a hard worker and a great friend.

36. MAIQUI TOLENTINO - Maiqui's simply talented in the arts. She's a great singer, dancer and artist. Maiqui's one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. You really feel at ease when you open up to her, because you know you can really trust her.

37. BEA TUQUERO - A paramore fan and a musician. Our class scientist slash guitarist. Bea could be sweet and serious at the same time (and she could pull it off)

38. KIGIA VALBUENA- Kigia. Smart. Talented. Funny. Friendly. Awesome. Pretty. Any girl would want to be Kigia. A great singer as well, you could simply say she's all - in - one.

39. JESSI VENEGAS - Jessi's the quietest in our class, but don't get her wrong, everyone's shy once in a while. When you talk to her first, she's really one of the sweetest and most artistic people you'll ever come across with.

40. ANNIKA YANEZ - 1R's Justin Bieber, known to have perfect eyebrows in our Lit Class. Annika may appear to be all mature, but when she's with her friends or simply us, she knows how to plaster smiles on all our faces, who could forget her dance during our Lakbay Aral?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Get to Know Us! :) (First Half edition)

It would be pretty weird if you're reading our blogs, but don't even know who we are, right? So let's see what we can say about every person in our class :)

Some may be repetitive so we will just put legends.
This is only first half edition, second half will come soon.
bold - consistent merit card awardee
italic - been part of top 10 of the batch
underline- happy-go-lucky
CAPS LOCK- Just pure awesome.
colored - english-ers (lol)

YEN AGUINALDO- Class OSR, one of our class comedians, fun to talk and hang out with, you can count on her to update you with what's going on.

ALEC AMBROSIO - Youngest in the class, our "Bendita", hard working student, very straight to the point.

ALEXA AMORSOLO - Our "Agua", likes to sing...A lot. A great friend and 'tatay' to many in our class. One of those who help a lot during SEP.

DENNIE ANDAYA - One of the sweetest people you'll ever meet, great student and simply fantastic friend, our resident badminton player.

CRISSY AQUINO - Anime lover, one of our artists, a great public speaker, has a wide imagination, great sense of humor, can make us laugh during the most boring classes with her witty lines, sets her priorities straight.

MARIA BALOLOY- Our class president and incoming 2nd year batch representative, she's all in one, you can count on her, when she says she'll do it, she'll do it. Thinks of others first and gives others chances. One of our resident swimmers.

BIANCA BARRAMEDA- Our class Treasurer, one of our comedians, she really does what's right, believes in herself and her potentials, a great badminton player, friend and classmate.

GEORGIA BATILO - Can make you smile on your saddest days, truly a great front/seat/back/diagonal mate! She's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet and you know you can trust her with your deepest secrets.

ANA CORONEL - Our resident dancer plus singer, her smile's contagious, takes her work seriously but has a great sense of humor, good at badminton and really approachable.

TRICIA CRUZ- One of our class artists, frequently attends SEP, one of our resident swimmers. Our 'little' miss OSC, one of our sweet-letter writers, approachable and you can count on her.

SHAI ELBO- One of the best singers and dancers EVER, she always has a smile on her face, excels in academics and sports, a great friend to many, she makes us smile during the most boring class hours, she shares what she has and is nice to hang out with

ISSA ENCARNACION - Our class scientist, mathematician etc. Excels in practically everything, she makes us laugh, one of the sweetest girls you'll come across, has great taste in music, a true friend, approachable, gets to the point.

ANDREA ESTORNINOS- A great singer and dancer, one of our class comedians, knows when to have fun and when to take things seriously, she doesn't get mad easily.

ALAINE FERRER - Our Vice President and 'little' miss SC president. Very organized, she tries to reach for her goals, she sets her priorities straight, she takes her studies seriously but knows how to have fun. She balances her time for her friends and studies well.

NIKKI FIGUEROA - One of our resident badminton players, frequently attends SEP, one of our artists, she's great to talk to (especially if you're a Potter fan!), she knows how to make you smile.

TRISHA FUENTEBELLA - One of our resident badminton players, she takes her studies seriously, she's demure, she's really quiet, but when you really get to know her she's one of those people you'll look forward to talking to.

JHISLAINE GOZAR - Our 'fashionista' and photographer. She's very open and keeps her friends close. One of our class comedians and she really knows how to have fun.

BIANCA JARDIN- Easy-going, she doesn't give up easily, she's a really great singer and a great friend and classmate.

RAIN LAUREL - One of our class artists and poets, she's good at writing stories as well, you can describe her as creative, she's straight to the point

KYARRA LLIGE - When she smiles you can't help but smile back, she could cheer you up immediately without much effort, she's a true friend and a great classmate. She'll help you out when the rest of the world turns their back on you.

Stay posted for Part 2 :)

Random memories

So we won't just be blogging of the official events of Scho.
Like normal High School classes, 1R has dull and exciting moments in class. Of course, we tend to remember the funny moments, right?

In between blogs about events at SSC, we plan to blog about at least one epic moment that happened during one of our classes.
More can be found on our official fan page

Moment 1
Let's start off with more practical ones.
Imagine an ordinary Science class setting in the afternoon... and all of your are like 

thanks to the first classes you had in the morning. Then your teacher mentions that you're going to have an oral quiz.
Teacher: All right girls prepare for an oral quiz.
Student1: Miss!
Teacher: Yes?
Student1: Oral recitation?
Student2: Ay hindi, oral cavity, gusto mo oral writing?
*moments of comprehension*
One Respect minus one student:

Student3: Huh...
Student 4 explains to student 3.
Student3: OH I GET IT. 

Keep posted for more epic moments and events for the SY :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

First Year High!

So our school year officially started on June 15, 2011 at around 7:30 in the morning.
You know that feeling, when you see your class list a few days before school starts, and you go like "What?! None of my friends are even here!" Yeah we could say that's how most of us felt.
But in any case, I know we all feel excited for the first day at some point.
So to start of the day, I guess only the freshmen and Student Council Core had classes that day, so we were given an orientation by the Student Council 10-11 and some teachers at the Sister Kuniberta Hall.
We were shown a video presentation made by the SC Core about the activities or duties of the SC. Apparently, every batch elects a batch representative every school year, and we would have to elect ours soon.

After that, the teachers oriented us on the different subjects we'd take up... Then she mentioned math would be everyday for an hour each day.
You're kidding, right?
Sadly, they were serious. 

But anyway. Later that afternoon they gave us our new planners and gave us a tour of the High School Department! We were toured by ate Ciara Morales (their 4th year batch rep) and ate Mary Baylosis (Who turned out to be the batch valedictorian!) 
Sorry to say but we were expecting the tour to be boring,
they proved us wrong. The ates kept us all ears, they were funny and we had a good time going around the school with them. 
In the end our ates told us to keep our heads up since our Homeroom classroom (The GSR) is haunted. 

But anyway, so I guess that's it for our first day :)


One Respect School year 2010-2011 here! :)
Please do follow us, we'll try to update this regularly with the events the previous school year! :)